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Alex was quite the handful, but watch the video and see for yourself. <g>

While my job's undoubtedly one of the most awesome jobs ever, it's anything but laid back. From six-thirty in the morning until sometime just before midnight, most days I'm pulled in half a dozen different directions. So, when I talked to Alex on a Thursday afternoon a couple weeks back about coming in for an audition, I was a little reluctant to screw up the low key Friday happenstance had given me. Experience, too, had told me never to schedule a first meeting in advance: things come up, guys change their minds, etc..

So, anyway, Alex seemed like an ernest guy and said he'd call me at 9AM Friday morning. I responded to say that I'd be there to get his call, and I was... but he was on the bus and would be another hour or so before arriving. I had things needing to be done of course... but most of them were at the house.

Attending to some odds and ends around the office while I waited for Alex to arrive, I soon realized that I hadn't reminded him he needed two forms of ID during our brief conversation the day before. So, I called him back on his cell phone to ask: Needless to say, he'd left them at his grandfather's house 45 miles away.

Well, there was no way I was gonna do a shoot without them. I had too little to gain and too much to lose. So I thought for a few moments about how to make it work and soon devised a plan. He'd come here and I'd meet him. If he looked good and seemed sane, I'd drive him to get his ID's back at his house, then we'd shoot a full length video, skipping the audition. It just didn't make sense to spend so much time on a 15 minute video, and I knew considering he'd taken the bus so long to get there, he'd appreciate the bigger paycheck, too. <g>

So he arrived, quite nervous, but he looked great. After a couple minutes talking to him to explain what was going to happen, we got in my car. An hour and a half later (due to traffic and his not being certain how to get to his house via car because he'd only ever taken the bus), I parked near the curb and waited for him to run inside. He returned with the ID's a few minutes later and back on the freeway we headed.

It now being mid-day, I was eager to get the shoot going. Alex was adorable, and adorably nervous, and he had the cutest blue eyes, but I was waiting for some Ted-like surprise once his clothes came off. With the amount of time involved, I just knew something was going to go wrong. "No good deed goes unpunished" and all that. Until the shoot was going, I knew nothing was certain.

And so we got back about an hour later, started the camera, and began.

It was the most difficult interview I have ever had. Barbara Walters has it easy. Celebrities are quite versed in carrying on a conversation. 19 year old straight guys nervous about getting naked in front of a camera aren't exactly the most forthcoming. <g>

Having done this quite a few times, though, I trudged forward and got little pieces of his personality here and there. By the end, I'd had him open up just enough to make him entirely adorable while completely infuriating all at the same time. When the interview was done, I was exhausted, but I knew the payoff was coming, so I was hanging in there.

In the shower, getting undressed, Alex seemed like a panicked trapped animal. He circled and darted and then... well, his pants came off. I wasn't sure if we'd even get to that point, so when we did, I was quite happy and relieved. I knew come what may, I'd just been privy to a nineteen year old straight guy showing his naked self to me and the world. The video would at least contain that! <g>

Naked in front of the camera, he was obviously nervous... and then as he was taking his shower, he started getting hard. To him, that was a bad thing. He got aggrivated at that, wondering why it was happening, and I told him not to worry about it as it seemed like something good to me. <g>

As soon as one trail of water had gone down his body, though, he was ready to get out, and it seemed almost as if I was forcibly holding him in the shower. I kept telling him to just hold on, but he kept saying "alright" every minute or so to indicate that he was done.

"You're certainly not being the most cooperative." I said, audibly pissed.
"OK, I'm sorry. It's just that as far as like something like this goes, it's kinda hard for me to do. As far as jerking off... I don't have a problem with that."
"It's hard for you to take a shower?" I said incredulously.

A few seconds after that, I had him get out of the shower, and a big part of me was ready to just call it off: All I could think was how big a moron I'd been for being such a softie. I should've just told him to come back another day, shot the audition for far less money, and seen that he wasn't going to be cooperative during that brief moment during an otherwise busy day.

But, then quite suprisingly, we made it to the bedroom and I started to forget all that had transpired.

His dick got hard, and it looked great. It was a nice size on his body and it was straight. His fuzzy balls were nice to look at, too. Talking had been where the pressure had been. Not needing to talk, he showed his dick to the camera.

And while I still had no idea how the entire video was going to turn out, I found myself in the moment... so much in the moment that I was going to try to get away with adjusting his dick for the shot. (If logic have been ruling at that time, I would've known better. <g>)

Guess he wasn't that comfortable. <G>

So, watch the video and see what you think.

I can tell ya that it ended something like this:

And the video turned out far better than I'd anticipated. <g>

Damn. I, uh,... (seems like I'm forgetting something... hehe) <G>

P.S. He asked when he could come back for another shoot afterwards, so it couldn't have been that bad for him! <g>


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