With StraightCollegeMen.com, a big chunk of how everything works is completely out there in the open. Guys come in for an audition, some come back for a solo, and if all goes well, you see how they venture into more limit pushing things, with the whole choice of how much they'll interact with another guy entirely on camera.
Yet, there's a pretty cool part of SCM that hasn't yet appeared in a video... and that's the DVDs themselves. There's a warehouse full of videos waiting to be shipped out when orders come in and when I'm walking around in it, there's a cool sense of tangibility not gotten from the digital data which makes the site tick. I mean, the web site has the immediacy of "I can watch it right this second," but the "I can actually touch and hold it" of the DVDs is a palpable force as well. It makes me proud that the company's successful enough to have thousands of DVDs in inventory... and that folks actually order them. <g>
So, wanting to show everybody another part of what makes SCM tick, I decided to shoot a video at the warehouse.
"So we're here at the warehouse."
"My first time at the warehouse," Caleb interjected.
"We're at the warehouse," I started again.
"My third," Rocky added.
"These are all the DVDs, everywhere."
I went on, "So, the first thing I want you guys to do is to make a promo."
Explaining that the guys would each pick a DVD of their choice and make a quick commercial for it, I told them, "you can pick whichever one you want. You don't have to pick the one you're on," then I explained the incentive. For a week after the video we were shooting went online, the guys would get half the proceeds from the DVD they chose.
"Pick Caleb."
"Rocky!" |  |
"I'll suck your cock," Caleb pointed into the camera playfully. <g>
"Number 31," Rocky interjected.
"No, you can't make fake promises," I admonished Caleb.
"Number 31. You'll enjoy it. We'll do lunch. We'll do lunch," Rocky giggled with his not quite as intense as Caleb promise to sell more of his chosen DVD. <g>
Broderick, who hadn't said a lot up until this point, then started talking to the guys about a possible commission split. Eventually, I told them I'd let them get prepared and stopped the camera while they each made their final choices and got their boxes.
First up with his commercial, Caleb:

"If you guys want to see a bunch of farting..."
Next: Rocky

"Look at those abs right there. Check it out now. Get up close."
And closing the 30 second promo part of the video: Broderick.

"This guy is gonna be a lot like me. Very difficult.
Doesn't really like to do gay things."
They were cute, and surprisingly, I think Broderick did the best. <g>
Moving on to the next task, I told the guys, "What you guys are going to do now is you're going to pretend to fulfil orders..."
I thought it'd be funny having the guys run around trying to find the correct DVDs, as they're not in any order in the warehouse, and I figured a bit of money for the quickest order fulfiller would add to the craziness... well, at least that's how we'd start. <g>
"So the deal is, over here, we have some bins, and
each of you guys gets a bin..." 
I then went on to explain, "the first person to fulfil each order gets an extra $50."
"But you know," I continued, "if you do, if you do creative order filling, 'cause like Broderick was doing creative commercials there, there might be some bonuses."
"So I'll tell you the order and then you guys got to fill it."
"So we gotta remember it all?" Broderick asked.
"The first order, there are only six videos."
I spouted off the volumes needed: 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, and 24, and the guys took off running. "There's no 21," I told Caleb as he'd put the wrong disc in his bin.

"Ahh... fuck!" Rocky yelled a few seconds later as Broderick grabbed the representative DVD off the top of the box.
"You've got to have six DVD's when you're done," I told the guys again.
Caleb's shirt was soon off and true to form, he was the first to say he was finished... but he was missing one DVD and had another that was wrong (in addition to the Volume 21 he already put back). <g>
Rocky said he was done next but when he pulled the DVDs out of his bin, I told him there was no "21" in the order and "there's six. You've got four."
"Come on, fifty bucks. This is easy fifty bucks."
"Broderick still has a chance. They had two wrong orders here."
"Where the fuck is twelve at?" Caleb asked.
"I can't find twelve!" Rocky yelled in agreement. |
None of the guys could find Volume 12, so I figured I'd give them a bit of a hint by zooming in on the obviousness of where it was located.

Caleb saw me crouched in front of the box and ran over to grab the DVD. After he tore open the cardboard, Rocky pushed him out of the way and the two scuffled for who would be the first to get the disc inside. Broderick, seeing the opportunity to sneak in on the right, grabbed the disc and ran back to the base. He had all six DVDs and so, he won the prize! <G>
For round two, the guys were shirtless and the order became more complicated.
"You can't do more than six because that's too much," Caleb said.
"No, it's only five, but they just aren't in order."
"This time we need 16, 18, 5, 29, and 24."
The guys were off again and soon a winner had been declared.
For round three, "this time you get a free dvd, like you get credit for one, so you only have to find five of the six, if you don't have your pants on while doing it."

Caleb's pants were off lickety split and although I hadn't specified as much, also off came his underwear. <g>
Broderick decided to avail himself of the credit as well but he wasn't wearing underwear to choose to take off or not. His extra large balls and thick dick were in full view shortly after Caleb showed his stuff. Rocky, however, in his typical cocky style, decided he didn't need the free DVD credit and kept his pants on. <g>
Apparently, though, neither did Caleb and Broderick need the credit as when I yelled the six DVD volumes for the order fulfillment, nobody realized I only said five numbers. "So we need 6, 26, 16, 25, and 27."
I hadn't intended to slight the pantless guys, but none of us caught it, and ultimately, Rocky won anyway.
I continued the next round, "This time, you guys, if you take your pants off, you get credit for three." I figured that would be enough to get Rocky to drop trough.
"How confident are you?" I asked him and he waved me on, indicating his pants would remain.
I really doubted he could compete with the three free credits of the pantless guys, but I decided to let him see... and you'll have to watch the video to know how it turned out.
I can tell you, though, that for the final round, Rocky lost his pants. 

Of course, after all the naked running around, I told the guys what had been the planned side effect of the order fulfillment: "See, and the secret idea was to get you guys all hot and sweaty for later."
"You succeeded." Broderick replied. <g>

And so, with that tidbit of information, I must let you go now.
You can either watch the second half of the video to find out what happened or scour the Internet to find some other website where you'll likely either feel ripped off or having wasted your time. It's up to you. <G>
"What do three hot and sweaty guys do after a quick lunch break?" you ask.
Play "Spin The Bottle" of course. <g>

Damn. I love my "naked DVD order fulfillment" job! <G>