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Dean and Caleb use clippers to initiate Duke into SCM. <g>

Back during the Log Cabin Weekend, the first time I ever had a group of more than three guys together, I tested a new concept for a website. Unfortunately, due to the location of the cabin and technical difficulties, it didn't quite work the way I'd planned. A year later, when the situation was right once again, I gave the idea another go, and this time it worked.

For the past year, a little known website has been sitting out there on the Internet. It's been defined and redefined until, well, I'm telling you about it. It's that website, that concept, to which Duke refers when we start talking.

"So, you're here tonight."
"Yeah, back again..."
"And it's uh... back again? I know, but like this is your first shoot with like, you know"
"I'm excited, like I told them, I was jealous, man. I'm looking forward to it."

That was a great attitude, but it threw me a bit. I went on to explain how he didn't really know what was coming except that he knew he had to grab another guy's dick and that everything else was bonuses.

"So have you grabbed another guy for the webcam thing? Has that ever come up?"
"Not really. They just want me for my ass."

"No girls on there have ever said like, you know, 'you guys grab each other'?"
"They do, but it just never happens to be me for some reason."

Indeed, while Duke had been doing the webcam, I'd made sure he hadn't done it much. I'd told Dean, too, to make sure Duke was more just in the background until after we finished his first non-solo shoot.

So, I talked to Duke a bit, about his girlfriend and such, then spoke to Caleb and Dean about being there.

"So you wanna talk about your fight?" I asked.
"No," was Dean's response, but after a little goading on my part, he went on to relay the events.

Indeed, the events of his fight were what caused Caleb to be at the shoot instead of Sonny, but you've gotta watch the video to find out more. <g>

A few minutes later, after talking about Dean's girlfriend finding the site, I took some photos of the guys on the steps then had Caleb and Dean get into camouflage fatigues.

The theme for the night: Duke's Initiation.

"So you two are the military boss boys. I don't know, 'cause I'm gay and I don't know any terms about military stuff. Uh, you two are the bosses and he's like the new recruit."

To guide them, I'd prepared a sheet entitled "New Recruit Enlistment Checklist."

1. Document with photos all places where newly enlisted has hair down to his undergarments.

2. If it is likely the newest enlisted is hairy elsewhere, remove his undergarments. Examine and photograph the areas.

3. Give new recruit haircut in regions under his undergarments with clippers if necessary. If new recruit also needs a haircut on his head, proceed with that at this time.

The guys, of course, didn't want to give Duke a haircut on his head. As best I figure, they likely imagined how it'd be were the roles reversed because even my repeated asking if they thought Duke needed a haircut didn't get an agreeance.

But after a little off camera convincing...

I got my hand in there a bit, too. <g>
Things needed re-arranging, of course.

And Item #4 on the Checklist had to be completed as well.

4. When hair on both head and under undergarments is up to standards, have the recruit turn around and make sure hair on ass is up to spec. If not, require bleaching.

Caleb applied the bleach while Dean supervised.

"So you ever done this before?"
"Fuck no, I ain't never done this before... kinda feels good."
"Well, yeah, I mean, you know..."
"Free ass massage."

While the bleach was kicking in, I had something in mind for Dean and Caleb downstairs. The three of us headed into the bathroom and the two of them stepped in the running shower with their fatigues still on.

Keeping with the military theme...
"As punishment for the evil that you two did to him, I want you two to, uh, take each other's clothes off, make out, and make me believe it."

Wet fatigues down and the guys only in white briefs, Dean said with an ever so slight smile and a look of resolved apprehension on his face, "You know how much I hate this..."

He followed with a playful, "I hate you. I quit... again." <g>


There was a bit of underwear ripping...
and dick grabbing and butt squeezing as well.

Bleaching complete, a competition ensued for thoroughly washing Duke's newly colored ass, and well, let me just say that it was definitely clean afterwards. Dean even enjoyed rapidly poking Duke with his fingers while he cleaned his ass crack. Duke jumped every time. <G>

Then back upstairs, the guys and I further documented Duke's butt hair color transformation with photos. I laughed about not being able to see between the ass crack. "We have to check to see how blonde, how far the blonde goes."

But when the photos were complete, Duke still hadn't been totally exposed. I followed, "We still didn't quite see, but, uh, we'll let him go easy today. It's his first day."

"Take, take as many pictures as you want," he responded nonchalantly.

Not one to pass up the offer, I told him to bend over and touch his toes. <g>

His butt was still too deep. <g>

I then told Dean and Caleb, "You know what they say about paybacks..."

What happened thereafter, though, is a little hazy...

I seem to remember something about blindfolds and blowjobs...


And, well, it was Duke's first day of SCM multi-man activities, so I might've let him off with just Dean finishing him up. You'll have to watch the video to see, but all in all, I was quite impressed with Duke's Straight Guy Triple™ debut performance. He seems up for anything. <g>

Damn. I do love my hairy 19 year old, head shaving, ass bleaching job! <G>


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